Update Attention Span
This week we worked with incorporating the feedback from the mid-crit to our concept. According to Daniel’s recommendation, we decided to implement only one long 30-min version of our service in order to be more “daring”. We are still struggling to find an innovative and funny name for our service, we hope to agree on one next week. The feedback gave us really good indications about what should be made clearer and also how we are going to argue the justification of the aid organization involved in our business model.
We also set up a detailed project plan to better structure our work. Hence, in the next week we will
- Work on a new name and slogan
- Set up a meeting with Teresa and see how far she is with the content in order to integrate the story about Finnish war children
- Further work on our business model and especially see how we can argue the relevance of the involvement of an aid organization (which will be more clear with the cntext of our story, we hope)
The next steps will be working on the interface, create story lines and thing links, a video of the user experience to integrate in the final presentation and of course the final presentation and chapter.
Sounds very good to me! Keep up the good work!