Thursday, November 19, 2015

Computer Games

What we have done this week:
This week we have worked together to complete some of the "what we will do" tasks from previous weeks report. We have made a collection of about 200 pictures of Chernobyl. The pictures are both post and pre the event and we have some really great photos of both the surroundings where people lived as well as photos from inside and outside the reactor.

Cornelia talked to Björn and we got some really great feedback. With the help of the feedback we came up with one idea that we call "real time evacuation" where you have to complete the goal within 48 hours (we have sources stating that it did not end well for those who failed to evacuate within 48 hours). We also investigated the Stalker game and took some screenshots. However, we need more time to investigate what material we can use from the game in our concept. We have been thinking about getting video recordings from the game to illustrate our own concept. 

We have been working more on the plot of the game but it is not yet finished.

Finally, we have been looking at tools that we can use to illustrate our concept with comic book drawings.

What we will do next:
Right now we are focusing on the draft of the text for the book, we have to complete this draft for next week. We feel like we have to put in a little more effort in doing research about the industry as it is today and future trends in the industry. We also want to find material about the historical development of storytelling in games. Since we got this new idea of a time based game we need to investigate whether there are games out there that uses ideas like this. We know there are many "time based" games but not many games that uses real time as a constraint. 

We still feel a bit confused on how to visualize our concept and present it in an understandable and exciting way. We need more thoughts and discussion on this matter.

We feel like we have done progress this week and are not yet stuck on any matter.

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