What we have done
Before the mid-crit session we focused on defining the background to our concept and idea in order to get some early feedback on the course we were heading with the project. During the mid-crit session we got a lot of good feedback and comments to think about regarding our concept, especially that the ties between our idea and the concept of storytelling has to be stronger. We really think that we have a good background to the issues that we have to deal with, however, we have to continue working on making our concept clearer and connected to storytelling.
Challenges encountered
The biggest challenge that we have encountered is how to keep the balance in our project between storytelling and advertising, our first concept was mainly based around the future of advertising and not so much how future advertising techniques can support stronger storytelling. This is something that was further discussed and criticized at the feedback session, that we have to further connect our concept to storytelling.
Furthermore, we have encountered some time-management problems where some group members have been stressed out over how much time we should spend on the different parts of the project objectives (writing book chapter, refining the concept, making the presentation, making a design representation etc) as group members spend a lot of time on other mandatory activities outside the course. The solution was to make a very specific time-plan where deadlines of individual tasks of the project were set. The plan has made the individual parts of our project more manageable and we now know what we have to do every week in order to finish in time.
What we will do
During the next week we will continue working and researching our concept and to have a finished and refined concept that are clearly connected to storytelling before our internal Friday deadline.
Changes in the project
Thanks. It seems that you are well under way in your project group. I like that you have worked with a detailed time schedule in order to manage your time better. This is extremely important in order to finish on time, andI also think that you will have a better focus on the real tasks ahead now. So keep up the good work!