Status report
Personalized storytelling
This week we have met to discuss the feedback we received at the mid-crit session. Although we received lots of positive feedback there were also some things we had to work on, specifically being very clear about our idea, as well as using strong use cases. In keeping with what one of the judges said, we watched our animated video again and wrote down what exactly we thought the idea was that was being presented. This really made everything more clear for us. We also had a brainstorming session on more use cases for our technology, things that would really improve everyday news consumption for different types of individuals.
How we intend to move forward is to meet 2-3 times in the coming weeks and really start to shape our idea and what will present at the final presentation. One challenge we have encountered is that because everyone in the group is taking different courses on top of this one, it is sometimes hard to coordinate. However, we have solved this by sometimes splitting up the work and keeping in contact through our Facebook group page.
We like the idea of moving forward with the animation so we plan to really make that work. We have also discussed that it might be interesting to focus on one news outlet like BBC News, so for our final presentation we are planning to present the idea by using the example of BBC News and how are technology would work with their news stories.
In terms of resources, we have been able to set up a meeting with Ian Vänmann, who is the founder of OMNI, so it will be really interesting to hear his take on personalized storytelling. The meeting is this week so amongst us we have come up with some key questions to ask him. Next week we plan to discuss what he has said and consider if we can develop our idea with his input. Furthemore, we will continue to work on the video with our improved use cases.
Sounds good. Keep up the good work!