What we have done and Changes in the project
Before the Mid-crit session last Friday we changed our first idea, What If, to another idea called From Floor to Store which we presented. We discussed the reason why we changed the first idea in our previous weekly report. Our new vision was to display the story of a product through a video on the surface of its package-container. After receiving feedback from the jury we discussed how to continue on with the project and decided to broaden the idea a bit. We changed the name to Packaged Stories and instead of displaying the story of a product we want to provide companies and organizations the opportunity to display any story on their product. We think that the name Packaged Stories is better in line with our idea.
We are very happy with our presentation and the feedback we got. The comments and inputs we received was relevant and important for us in our continuation of developing the project. For example, we agreed with the jury members who said that we did not need to narrow down our solution the way we had chosen to. Instead, we were told that our concept was greater than our example cases and as such, we should aim to encompass a lot more. Thus we decided that our solution should allow anyone to tell any story on their product, instead of just the story of said product. We’ve also been working on incorporating storytelling more in our project, mainly through discussion and decisions aimed at increasing its very emphasis during the presentation.
This week we’ve been focusing on doing more research about the technologies and bioplastics, and we have also started to write the book chapter. Since we think it would be of importance to get more feedback and inputs from different scientists and industry RnD-personnel in the field we contacted a few interesting persons which we hope to be able to book a meeting with.
What we will do
First and foremost our goal is to finish the text for the book chapter, we feel that in order to really focus on our presentation, we need to have the paper done. This will bring about two major benefits; first of we will have a solid, semi-scientific foundation on which we can base our solution, secondly we want to put all our focus on the movie without anything else to do on the side. Since the deadline of the text is before the video we wanted to have the text done first. In order to accomplish this however, we require some answers from the people we have already contacted (the above mentioned scientists and industry RnD-personnel), since they will be able to shed some light on the finer details of the technology that our solution is depending on.
Once we have all the appropriate material, we will decide upon how to structure the text and get to finish the actual writing. As of this moment we do not know the actual limitations of the text, but we are confident the format will have been presented by the time we get to work.
Then, when we are done with our text, we will commence the planning and preparations for the final presentation. Maybe not surprisingly, we are going to create a great movie to present our idea in a thorough and convincing manner. In order to achieve this there must be a preparation phase to the movie as well, meaning we need to write a script that is both entertaining and conveys our idea at the same time. We have great ambitions and our movie is going to be the result of many hours of work.
Challenges encountered
The work in our group has been really good this week and we haven’t encountered that many problems. We had a discussion about the goal of the project and presentation, if we were supposed to represent a product (like a company) or if we just should present a vision of the future with our concept. We decided to talk to Malin about this and after that we were all on the same page about the goal.
Overall, our group is really good at collaboration and we have a very good group dynamic which makes our group work well together.
Thank you! This sounds very good indeed. Keep up the good work!