This is probably the most difficult thing we have ever done throughout our life. So challenging:)
We haven't moved far away from the last week, to be honest. Discussed the idea again and seems have found the technological grounding for that. Also have talked to Tony Churnside from BBC, who up until this year end was responsible for the innovations in radio broadcasting for BBC. He approved our idea, at least theoretically. Whether it would be feasible to fulfill or not, he cannot say - it's necessary to make a demo to check. Which we probably won't be able to make: too complicated.
The idea of our project is not that far from the initial one. It's based on the BBC's technology of object based technology when audio is transferred to the listener not as a whole piece but in small bunches and thus can be assembled in a different way. Here's the link to this technology: http://www.bbc.co.uk/taster/projects/responsive-radio
If you add to this technology voice recognition and artifical intelligence, then the user can ask questions and the audio can be assembled in such a way that it will answer them. In order to produce such a highly customizable audio, metadata is necessary for the initial set of audio. This all we will explain in a less sophisticated terms and language in our report.
In order to check this idea, we will meet Tomas Granryd from Sveriges Radio on Monday. We really need to approve the project by someone very deep from the industry (as we mentioned, Tony approved it, but we talked through chat and it's better to discuss the project with someone in person).
But we do not have a good plan for the presentation yet, except for the thought to make a ppt presentation that will explain how it all technically works and make a advertising cartoon for the end user (without going into any technical details).
This all seems to be so confusing and impossible to fulfill...:) I hope that other groups feel better than us!:)
P.S. Here are also some very important and useful links that will help us to write a report. Which we will start writing after Monday's meeting with Tomas. We hope.
P.P.S. And also, we have no idea yet how to integrate the story into our project and especially the Baltic soldiers story... We would be happy to take another one, but seems it's too late. One more huge stone of confusion:)
Glad to hear that you are doing interviews with experts from the industry. A good move. Now, try to focus how to present this material to an audience in an interesting way. Show, don't tell, was an old saying that I learned in school. Maybe that can help you present your idea. All the technical details are not interesting, but how the end result would be, and what the outcome for the consumer would look like...