Hi there, Mr. Blog.
As mentioned last week we’ve continued working on the concept and gone through it in more detail. We’ve decided what it is we want our concept to do, and begun sketching on the graphics and potential logos e.t.c. Furthermore, we’ve continued reading articles and delved deeper into the companies already working with eyewitness content management and distribution of some sort - to get a better idea of what it is we need to do in order to: 1. Fit into our previously thoroughly thought out future scenario, 2. Distinguish ourselves from the services that are currently available on the market - and their future visions for their corporations. We’ve also decided, based on feedback from the mid-crit, to focus more on our concept at hand rather than history and future of storytelling per se. For instance, we’re looking into the text which is to be written before the 1’st of December on how to portray our project and concept idea. Thus, we’re aiming for working in 50% about history, current state of Eyewitness Storytelling, and future scenario, and having the remaining 50% be about the concept and how it solves future problems e.t.c. The main challenge faced when determining the specifics of the concept has been narrowing it down. There’s just so many potential ideas implementable in a digital space such as this where eyewitness stories are summarized to article content. Do we want the website to have social media elements? Should users/consumers be able to upload data manually or should everything be left to the gathering algorithm? Should the content gathered be meta-tagged with user-specifics connecting it to the user who uploaded it? There are just some of the questions we’ve been working on solving throughout the week.
A large chunk of what has been done this week is related to the writing of the magazine chapter. Since we received more specific information about what the text should contain and the format of it, and that it proved to be a much greater task than was previously communicated by the project management group. We have thus started outlining what parts we should include in the article as well as distribute writing across the group members. We decided pretty early on that we want to get started and complete the writing as soon as possible so that 100% focus can be put towards making a great presentation later on.
Furthermore we would like to, if possible, ask for a feedback meeting with Malin and Daniel next week. As soon as possible, say monday or tuesday?
/Eyewitness group
Sounds to me that you are well under way. I am fully booked both Monday and Tuesday, but I have time to meet you on Wednesday if you have time to drop by before 10 in the morning. (Say 9.30?) I sit in the CESC-corridor, close to room 4423, floor 4, D-building.