Friday, November 20, 2015

Big Data

What we have done.
During this last week we have continued to refine and develop our idea. We dove into big data and a possible future were big data have a central role in storytelling. 

Our current idea
Our current idea is to create a concept of how a computer can create stories based on breaking news and similar historical occurrences, and create that story in just one second. It will also utilize information from social media, community-forums and other information sources to supply and overall view of the occurrence (or not, if that is your preference). Our vision is to evolve breaking news, and create breaking stories instead bu using the overflow of big data that we will have access to in the future.

The next step.
Our next step is to bring our new concept to Malin and Daniel, to get some feedback on it and how to proceed with it.

Challenges encountered.
The biggest challenge we encountered is the same as we encountered last week, that big data isn't a technology per se which is an implication in this kind of project. But as our new concept is focusing more on a future scenario were big data is utilized, rather then the future of big data, it became a little bit easier to work with it.

Changes in the project.
We haven´t encountered any big changes during the last week, we are still adjusting to our new idea and how to work with it. 

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