What we have done
We have focused on our final presentation this week and how we want to present our project. We decided that it would be fun to do the whole presentation in the form of a movie. We talked to Malin to make sure this would be okay and after we got it confirmed we started to plan the script. We had some different ideas but decided on one everyone were satisfied with.
We have also tried to find a good camera to use for recording our video. And after some research and e-mailing some contacts we found a very good camera that we can use during next week. We have also started to look for locations to shoot the movie at. We have contacted KTH Media Production about filming in their studio and we will meet them next week and record some of our scenes in the studio.
What we will do
Next week we will start recording our video for the final presentation. On Monday we are going to pick up the camera from Canon who have agreed to lend us one for the rest of the week. Then we will use the whole week to record material for the video. After that we need to do some editing and create the effects that we want to get the final movie.
Now that we have the instructions for the book we will also finish our chapter and make sure that we say all that we want to say with the text. Our goal is to have the book chapter done at least one week before the deadline in order to get as much time as possible to work on our film/final presentation.
Challenges encountered
We have not yet received answers from the scientists and industry RnD-personnel that we contacted last week. Since their inputs would be of good value before finishing the book chapter we will try and contact them again and hope to get some inputs on our idea.
Another challenge is finding locations where we can record our film. As written above we have contacted KTH media production to help us with this but we need to find some other locations as well. We plan on filming some scenes outside which is not optimal this time of the year (since it is very dark a big part of the day) and it will be a challenge to film everything before it gets dark.
Changes in the project
We have not made any changes to our project this week.
Sounds very good to me. Keep up the good work!