What we have done:
We have redefined our problem and tried to get more in-depth with it in order to have a strong base and argumentation regarding our concept. This was done by finding statistical data, references and reliable information that supports our theory and that it will be an serious problem in the future. We did a comparison between todays situation and the approximated future situation to see if it was a potential evolving problem or not, and came to the conclusion that our stated problem will still be a problem in the future.
With the research as argumentation supporting this as a serious problem the underlaying factors to the problem were extracted. Few of the factors were technology itself, automatization, a wish for a better economical situation and a better presence at a distance as the underlaying factors to why this was an evolving problem. Noticing that this actually is, and is likely to remain, a problem we also started coming up with a solution, we want to solve the problem for a specific target group by using the underlying factors to the problem as a cure for it, which resulted in a game. We want to bring the digital games outside by creating a location-based augmented reality game. A state-of-the-analysis, after reviewing our feedback from the mid-crit, revealed several applications with the same kind of concept but not with the same kind of goal. The goal is to motivate gamers to activate themselves physically and therefore prevent health issues. We want to motivate them, therefore we performed a litteraturstudie on how to make motivating games, especially with physical exercise in mind. This lead us to try finding the motivating elements in games and try to abuse them in our concept to create a suggestion for a game that could be a helping tool regarding our target group health issues.
What we will do:
We will continue the specification of the health aspects and continue the work with combining our different ideas in the group.
We want to find the exact game elements to implement in our application.
Find out how to use storytelling within games as a motivational tool.
We want to get more in-depth with both the problem and the concept itself.
Planning for some sort of appropriate concept testing such as quantitative/qualitative survey, interviews, focus group etc.
Challenges encountered:
Our previous design idea has changed and we are now working on an updated version for older users due to discussions in the group and feed-back from the mid-crit regarding the colors and layout off the presentation. This has led to a redesign and the development of a new approach to the overall design for the final presentation.
We have also experienced some difficulties in our attempt to focus our groups ideas to embrace the final result and so the common output of the project will be supported by all the groupmembers and so that our final outcome will be presented to the
Due to a common decision to leave some of the childish design aspects behind we have encountered some decision making problems for the creation of a mood-board on which we will rely on in our more ”Film Noir” – ish approach to the presentation.
We also choosed to leave some of the information based game design elements for the storytelling approach in the previous work. We mention in the ”Changes in the project” a wish to better involve this in our design.
We have also been in mail-contact with Ingrid Severin:
Chef för Stadsmuseet Digitala enhet for some thoughtfull insight into what is going on in the development and future insight to the research work and
Changes in our project:
At the Rob Montgomery workshop we came up with an idea that we have developed during the weeks. Though the core idea is still the same, which was developed through the “Unsolved murder of Olof Palme”, we have made some changes in the project. We have discussed back and forth of how we are going to develop this idea even further into a more future perspective.
At the mid-crit session our project idea was that through AR-lences chase a fictinal suspect that has done a crime through the local streets where youre at. You can stop on different places to ask fictional witnesses for clues and to recieve clues to get one step closer to the suspect. You see the whole gaming-environment through your AR-lences and you intercat with your whole body in the game. After the mid-crit session we discussed how to further apply the feed-back we got from the jury. A change we are reconsidoring as we speak is to make the game more serious to better fit our target group. Earlier, we had the “chasing a suspect” approach which we thought was to childish. We wil also focus on the storytelling part more. And how storytelling activates gamers.
Starting now, we also focusing on our final presentation and how to present it visually:
- Get inspiration from other projects on youtube.
- Storyboard.
- Adaptation of the finished project.
- Edit, the final movie.
Research on location based augmented reality:
Research on motivation:
Research on motivation in games:
Litterature regarding our problem, the future and target group:
Thank you! Sounds like you are well under way in your project. I did not quite understand what the end result will look like, but I think you should continue with your ideas and thoughts, and this will most likely get clearer along the way.