Friday, November 20, 2015

Update from ”Personalized Storytelling”-group

Summary of week 47

General update
Last week, we had a meeting to discuss the feedback we got on the midcrit-presentation.  In short words, we decided that we would keep up with the plans of doing a video for the final presentation. However, after receiving feedback on the midcrit-presentation, we understood that we probably need to tweak the video we have now a little bit. For example, we need to make it more detailed and fun to watch. Also, it might be preferable to form our scenarios (which the video is based on) a little bit. It might be room for even more powerful scenarios, when looking at how our application NUSE can help/be profitable for people in their daily life.

Additionally, two members from our group met with one of the founders of Omni, the news platform which uses personalization, since it provides news within certain fields that a specific user is interested in.  Some points that we discussed on the meeting with Omni were that personalisation will probably be unavoidable in the future, and that is positive for our group since we chose to continue to work with personalisation, instead of working against it. We also discussed how filter-bubbles and personalization does not neccessarily have to be depending on each other. Personalization neccessarily dont generate filter bubbles, as long as it exists contect that challenges the user.

Our current idea
We are actually pretty satisfied with the idea that we pitched on the midcrit presentation. However, of course there is always room for improvement. First of all, we are currently looking into the scenarios that we presented in our video. We are done with our personas, but the scenarios might be able to become even more spot on.

We have also discussed a bit about how we want to define storytelling at our final presentation. Back then, for our project we decided to define it as storytelling in news. Now, we believe that we might have to describe it a bit more, although without it taking too much time or room in our final presentation. We are discussing how to explain it in a short and consise way, based on some insights we got from our interview with Omni.

Descisions we have taken
This week, we have decided to work on the video even more. We might need to change the scenarios a bit.

Next step

Next week, we are going to meed again. We will continue to work with our presentation video. We might discuss and map our process for this projct a bit. Additionally we will start writing the report.

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