Sunday, November 15, 2015

Future of audio

Group name: Future of audio

What we have done: Our group met twice in order to discuss the project. And we came up with a completely wrong idea, which was later discussed with Daniel Pargman and Bjorn Thuresson on Friday, 13th. The main problem was that we did not have a strong idea for the project and we tried to combine different things not quite understanding why we need them.
Also during the week we started developing a web-site for the project which eventually was not necessary at all. Besides, I conducted several interviews with the historians and also found many sources on the topic (including the exclusive ones from the Kungliga Biblioteket – for example, an article “Sweden, the Soviet Union and the Baltic Question 1940-1964 – a Survey” by Karlis Kangeris). But the problem now is that we probably do not need the story in-depth, we rather need a concept for the future of audio, and the story may be told in a more superficial way.
So, a lot of work was done during the week but now we are at the same point where we started many weeks ago.

What we will do: We will meet on Monday and discuss the concept again. Now we need to be very clear what is special about the project and what is the main idea. It should be a heavy brainstorming again.

Challenges: The main challenge was about our forth group member, who in the beginning of the project disappeared for 10 days and we could not reach him. Then he appeared and we made a presentation together on the 6th of November, but now he does not participate in the group meetings again even though we are informing him. After he didn’t show up to all the meetings during the last week and never replied emails, we decided to exclude him because we cannot rely on him and he can disappear again any time. We cannot trust him any part of the project work... So from now on we are threesome making the project. But to be honest this was very stressful – to lose two members of the group (first was from the school of Journalism and another one I just described). But we will cope with this all:)

Resources: Well, I (Olena) worked on the story part and can add plenty of resources I encountered during research on the topic of our project (the Baltic soldiers extradition). I also made three interviews on the topic. Though I do no know if we will use them. I think we need to dig deeper into the possible future side than into the story itself from now on. But anyway this is good we developed the story because at least we could help the JMK student with his project:)

P.S. We are sorry to report late this week (Sunday instead of Friday). We won't break the deadlines anymore. 

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear about the fourth group member. I really appreciate that you take matters in your own hands and now work independently in order to finish the project. I'm sure you can do it, and that the end result will be brilliant. Keep up the good work!
